Choosing WordPress as CMS for Your Business


Starting a business is no child’s play; there are a lot of operations involved to convert it into a successful endeavor. And with the internet booming these days having an online presence is crucial. Along with the benefits, there are a lot of challenges as well when you are looking to operate online.

Should you choose WordPress?

Among these, one of the challenges includes effectively handling content management. For a company to thrive the right content should be delivered to the right people. This will not only improve sales but also keeps the audience engaged.

There are many CMS tools out there but WordPress seems to have dominated this market. With around 61.8% share, WordPress is the most popular CMS platform.

However, it is advisable to follow the general masses?

Is WordPress a good CMS platform?

This blog will shed some light on WordPress as a CMS and clarify some of your speculations:

The primary focus of a business is to optimize productivity by investing little time and effort. If a CMS tool requires utmost attention and hours of learning time then it is a huge burden for the company.

Luckily, WordPress is as simple as 123. A very easy and user-friendly interface allows for the best control over the content. A wide layout of themes, plugins, widgets, and templates can be utilized to diversify and at the same systemize the content.

However, even with a little HTML or CSS knowledge, it is possible to customize even further.


For any business reducing overheads and cutting down costs is always on the agenda right from day one. However, when using WordPress, costs, and pricing is the least of your worries.

WordPress is free to use service, for the most part. All you require is an account to start working on it. There are premium options that can enhance the CMS experience but with some extra costs.

This payment will be deflected if there are in house IT personnel present. Even then these premium enabling costs are minuscule and are easily manageable.

SEO friendly

Content will include write-ups like blogs and articles. But without the proper SEO tools, your work can be lost in the sea of the internet.

SEO work based on multiple factors and one of them is the reputation and authenticity of the source of the content. With WordPress being a reputable source, SEO points can quickly rise. Besides this, numerous free plugins help in developing content that is SEO friendly.


Any business venturing into the online platform will assess the security that the platform offers. This is rightly so since there is a lot of important data stored. This can place the company in a vulnerable position if compromised.

WordPress involves tight data security with all of its accounts and places stringent measures if things do go south. Plugins on WordPress are also developed by 3rd party users and with proper precaution and inspection, a potential data breach can be stopped. The only downside here is there are constant updates presented by WordPress to maintain safe usage.

Integrated functionality

If one thing can do multiple tasks then it is a win any day. The same can be said about WordPress, it is like a one-time solution to all your CMS worries.

The platform offers hosting services, which allows you to run your very own website using WordPress as a stationing device. WordPress has blogging services to publish timely blogs and other content. Technical controls are levied from WordPress itself for quick changes. It allows access to multiple users for better user management and accessibility.


Starting an online business from scratch can be a stressful task with roadblocks at every step. With WordPress, there are forums where people always support to get you out of knots.

Since WordPress is a popularly used platform, the responses from these forums will be instantaneous. Granted there is no dedicated support from WordPress, but these forums can do a better of a task.


With WordPress being used in around 30.3% of the top 1000 websites in the world, it is trust and reliance that generated this number.

WordPress has been around since 2003 and for it to survive this long in a dog-eat-dog world is quite admirable. The foundations of WordPress are strongly built upon qualitative and quantitative work which is still pushing them forward.


A Business striving to come up in today’s world requires all the support it can get. Well, what better way to do this than with WordPress. These points should solidify if WordPress is a viable contender and will place a big YES in front of most of your questions. An all in all feature-packed platform like WordPress will make CMS for any business smooth as butter.


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Joseph Martin

Joseph has been a technology content writer & content marketing for the last 4 years. I've written content on topics like a programming language, eCommerce, digital marketing, AI etc.. I love to share the content with the audiences.