5 Tips To Make Field Marketing Work For You


Field marketing is a difficult business that requires a lot of skills. There are so many different ways to be a good field marketer and everyone has a different strategy. Finding the best marketing technique for you is the best way to be a consistent marketer.

Finding a technique that works for you and steps to follow to make a good sale is what makes a great marketer. There are plenty of different techniques in marketing and the approach you take will completely change the way you sell. Making a sale is difficult and finding the technique that sells is the biggest part of sales.

Tips For Field Marketing Work For You:

1. Have A Marketing Plan

Whether you are marketing with a team or by yourself there needs to be a plan. If everyone isn’t on the same page you have already failed. There needs to be a plan that you are following and that everyone knows.

If you are selling in a store, the store manager needs to know your plan and where you intend to sell. Everyone that you are going to interact with needs to be aware of the sales plan and why you are selling there. Especially in a public place, the other people there need to know what you are doing.

If you have a marketing strategy that is made to sell a specific product then sticking to that plan is the best way to go forward. Going into a sale with a plan and a loose script for just you or every member of your team will help you sell and keep your pitch straight.

2. Set A Goal

Once you have a plan to go forward you need to know what goal you are trying to achieve. If you are aiming for a certain number of sales or people that you talk to. It is important to have something to aim for.

Whether you are in a team or selling by yourself there needs to be something you are trying to achieve. Selling without a goal will lead to you never feeling accomplished or like you have done enough. In a job like marketing, there needs to be goals to reach and benchmarks to pass.

It is easy to get lost in a sea of trying to sell something with no end. Reaching achievable goals and setting levels for you to pass is the best way to track your success. Make sure you are giving yourself the praise you deserve and that you are always striving to reach the next goal.

3. Know Your Product

Selling anything requires some sort of knowledge about what you are selling. What sort of people do you need to market towards? Is there a specific place you can set up a marketing stand to show your product to the people most likely to buy?

Doing your research before you try to sell a product is so important. No one wants to buy something from a marketer who does not know their product inside and out. If you can not answer questions about what you are selling or tailor your pitch to each individual then no one is going to want to buy from you.

Knowing where to market your product and to who means knowing what you are selling. There are a million ways and places to sell but not every product is going to do as well in an environment that might have worked before. Make sure you know the best way to market your product and know who is willing to buy that product.

4. Have Updated Tech

To make sales on the spot and keep track of everything you have done you need technology. There is no need to make everything run through technology. Great marketing often requires face to face communication so automating that is often a bad choice.

Tech is important for keeping track of your sales, potential customers, and selling directly. Having all the potential customer information you collect in one place is so important to stay organized. Making sales to people who have already shown interest is so important and the best way to do that is to get their information on the spot.

Setting up a way to take cards and sell an item right then is a great way to boost sales. Having a device that collects emails and keeps track of the number of sales you make is the best way to keep track of the goals you reach. Having the tech that works best for you and your sales is an asset in the marketing industry.

5. Celebrate Your Achievements

Marketing is a hard industry to feel like you are succeeding in. Especially when you are just starting out or learning what you are doing. Celebrating each of your achievements is so important to staying positive and knowing how well you are doing.

Every time you reach one of your goals you need to acknowledge that. Pushing forward at all times is the best way to get ahead but you need to recognize the things you do right as they happen. If you are always pushing forward without letting yourself be proud of the things you have accomplished it will be very hard to feel successful and talented.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to push yourself. Most successful sales-people do push themselves hard and try to constantly accomplish more. Letting yourself celebrate your achievements will keep you balanced in a very difficult industry.


Marketing in the field is stressful and difficult. There are so many parts of it that feel impossible and like you can never succeed. Starting with a solid sales plan is the best way to keep yourself on track.

You need to set achievable goals for yourself that you can watch yourself reach and surpass. Knowing everything about what you are selling and who you are selling it to will make you a better sales-person and help your numbers. Keeping your technology updated to be helpful and keep track of everything for you will make you more efficient and organized which is so important in marketing.

Finally, let yourself be proud of what you are doing. Not everyone does well in marketing and the fact that you are is something to celebrate. These are just a few of the tips to make field marketing work in your life.


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Gabe Nelson

Halley Johnson is a freelance writer and editor. Who is currently employed with Endertech.com. She has a few published pieces under pseudonyms. They mostly consist of average poems. Halley is currently in the process of writing her first full-length novel (it will actually be under her real name). Her greatest accomplishments are being a good mom to her pig and an average daughter to her parents.