List of Best Computer Hardware Companies in UK

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Finding a company that can provide the best computer hardware Companies in the UK is not as easy as it may sound. First of the UK belongs to the first world that means it is a developed and settled market for tech giants, which ultimately means too many brands and lots of confusion.

Even if you have a very good budget and you go for the top-of-the-line brands it would still be difficult because almost all top-of-the-line computer manufacturers are working in the UK.

Above that, there are some local companies as well that have emerged within the last five years and are now capable of competing with some of the top-of-the-line brands, which means an addition to confusion for the consumer.

But it’s not that confusing once you know your interest or goals for which you are looking for a computer. For example, if you are a PC gamer you would prefer to build a custom PC of your own.

This way you will not only save your hard-earned money, rather you will always be able to replace the hardware with a new one in case you need an upgrade.

So, in the following, we have come up with the list of best companies for buying computer hardware in the UK.

Best Computer Hardware Companies

1. Centerprise

One of the best local original equipment manufacturers in Wales, CMS computers own one of the best manufacturing plants in the UK.

The company has built itself to a point where it has finally started to compete with multinational brands.

The main reason for their success is that unlike most o multinational brands, this local brand is not diverging totally towards tablets, because nobody is always going to work without a desk.

So as long as you need a desk, a laptop will always be a better option, and this is the point that this company understands very well.

2. Novatech

This article about some of the best companies to get computer hardware in UK would be incomplete if we don’t talk about Novatech.

This company is one of the most experienced companies in the business.

It has been providing solutions to IT-related problems for more than 27 years and has benefitted its customers ranging from tech professionals and enthusiasts to educational and public sectors.

3. Wired2fire

Known for manufacturing some of the most competitive personal computers in the UK this company is known to provide custom PCs for gamers and consumers that need to perform heavy-duty tasks all day.

The only problem is that the cost of the computers lies in the upper range but that is being justified because cheap products would not be able to perform a multifunctional task and hence your dream to be competitive in your job will only remain a dream. Therefore, it is necessary to choose quality over quantity.

4. Fuze

Talking about quality, if you are the kind of person who only wants British products then you would not find any company for computer hardware parts in the UK other than Fuze.

Not only this company is completely manufacturing its products locally while following all standard protocols but also the company is sourcing products at a local level.

So, everything from screws to programming is purely British or should I say ‘royal’. Moreover, the company recently paid tribute to 8 BIT micros from the 1980s. so that’s a good thing if a company remembers its culture. Imagine what it will do for its customers.

5. Utopia

This next one may be the last on our list but that does not mean that it is the least.  This is the company that has been developing high-performance PCs for almost 20 years and has never let it, customers, down.

Another great fact is that this was the first company to be listed as an independent manufacturer with products listed on the Argos site. The company started from nothing and today has reached a point where new companies are trying to copy its technological advancement.

But Utopia made that almost impossible by continuously evolving its very own technology for the development of powerful PCs.

So, this was our list of some of the best companies you can trust to buy computer hardware in UK. But that certainly does not mean that these are the only company, or we not trying to create a difference that one company is better than the other.

All of them have their unique traits and but one thing that is common at the end of the day is what these companies are providing to their customers.

All of the above-discussed companies work for their customers at their best, trying to provide them with services that are not only limited to one-time purchases but also the after-sales procedure.

And it is because of companies like these that the future of UK tech is so bright.


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Olivia Anderson
My good name is Olivia Anderson and I'm a digital marketer, passionate with my work, and like to serve the services of SEO, WordPress website management, and Social media marketing.